Our Services

Don’t leave money on the table – let us help you recover what’s rightfully yours.


Exceeds Proceeds Recovery

Maximizing Your Financial Recovery

Our experienced team works diligently to uncover surplus funds from foreclosures and auctions, recovering thousands for our clients annually.

Post-Foreclosure Recovery
Reclaiming What’s Rightfully Yours

Our professional post-foreclosure recovery service is here to help homeowners retrieve any surplus funds that are rightfully owed to them following a foreclosure sale.

Fast Cash Home Purchases
A Swift Solution To Your Property

Our Fast Cash Home Purchase program offers a rapid and hassle-free solution to sell your property.

Programs To Help You Stay In Your Home

Keeping You Where You Belong

Our Stay in Home Programs offer a lifeline during challenging times.

Exceeds Proceeds Recovery

Maximizing Your Financial Recovery

Imagine losing your home to foreclosure, only to discover that there are unclaimed funds waiting for you in court. These excess foreclosure proceeds rightfully belong to you, but the path to reacquiring them can seem like a daunting uphill battle, filled with legal complexities designed to discourage even the most determined homeowners.

But there’s no need to despair because the National Equity Agency (NEA) is here to shoulder the burden for you.

Our mission is clear: we are passionate about connecting people with what they’re owed. With a team of seasoned legal experts, we slice through the red tape, deftly navigate the system, and secure your excess proceeds, allowing you to turn the page on this challenging chapter of your life. We firmly believe that you deserve a fresh start, and we are unwavering in our commitment to making it happen.

Reclaiming What's Rightfully Yours

Post-Foreclosure Recovery

In the legal landscape, attorneys often bill clients by the hour, necessitating upfront payments, regardless of the outcome. On the other hand, attorneys working on contingency may charge exorbitant fees, sometimes as high as 30% or more of your recovered funds.

Here at NEA, we take a different approach. We cover all attorney fees and related expenses on your behalf. There are no out-of-pocket costs for you to bear, and our services operate solely on a contingency basis. This means that we only receive payment when you successfully recover your funds. If, for any reason, we are unable to recover your funds, you will not owe us a single cent. We are fully committed to securing your financial interests without adding any financial burden to you along the way.

Your Financial Safety Net

Delaying Foreclosure Sale And Cash Advance Programs

Facing the imminent threat of foreclosure? Our Delaying Foreclosure Sale and Cash Advance Programs offer a lifeline during challenging times. We provide solutions to help you postpone foreclosure sales and offer cash advance programs to ease immediate financial burdens. Our aim is to empower you to regain control over your financial situation and explore alternative options.

A Swift Solution To Your Property

Fast Cash Home Purchases

In need of a quick sale? Our Fast Cash Home Purchase program offers a rapid and hassle-free solution to sell your property. Whether you’re facing foreclosure or simply looking for a swift property sale, we can help you secure a fast cash transaction, providing you with much-needed financial relief.

Keeping You Where You Belong

Programs To Help You Stay In Your Home

We understand the importance of preserving your home. Our programs are designed to offer solutions that help you stay in your residence. Whether it’s through loan modification, renegotiating terms with lenders, or exploring government assistance programs, we’re committed to helping you retain your home and achieve financial stability.

And Much More...

Our services extend beyond the listed offerings. With a wealth of experience and a dedication to serving our clients’ unique needs, we’re here to provide comprehensive assistance and guidance throughout your foreclosure and surplus fund recovery journey. Contact us today to explore how we can tailor our services to your specific situation.

Our Services Go Beyond

The Listed Offerings

“With a wealth of experience and a dedication to meeting our clients’ unique needs, we are here to provide comprehensive assistance and guidance throughout your foreclosure and new beginning. Contact us today to discover how we can customize our services to suit your specific situation.”

One Step Ahead

Why Choose Us

Attorneys typically charge hourly rates that you pay out-of-pocket for, regardless of their success in recovering your funds. Alternatively, attorney’s that work on contingency often charge a fee as high as 30% or more!

At NEA, we cover all of the attorney fees and related expenses. You won’t incur any out-of-pocket costs, and our services are solely on a contingency-basis, meaning we only receive payment when you get paid. If for any reason we fail to recover your funds, you will owe us absolutely nothing.

Our Expertise: Maximizing Your Financial Recovery

What Sets Us Apart

At NEA, the recovery of your funds is our primary objective. We stand for justice, transparency, and empowerment, giving you the tools to rebuild your life. Let us handle the complexities of dealing with courts and clerks while you focus on your next steps. Your future begins today, and the funds awaiting you can be a crucial part of your journey.

We understand that financial challenges can impact anyone, and we are here to provide expert guidance and unwavering support when it matters most. Founded with a deep-seated passion for assisting individuals and families facing surplus recovery and foreclosure, NEA has emerged as a trusted partner dedicated to safeguarding your financial well-being.

Why We Stand Out

Going The Extra Mile

In the legal landscape, attorneys often bill clients by the hour, necessitating upfront payments, regardless of the outcome. On the other hand, attorneys working on contingency may charge exorbitant fees, sometimes as high as 30% or more of your recovered funds.

Here at NEA, we take a different approach. We cover all attorney fees and related expenses on your behalf. There are no out-of-pocket costs for you to bear, and our services operate solely on a contingency basis. This means that we only receive payment when you successfully recover your funds. If, for any reason, we are unable to recover your funds, you will not owe us a single cent. We are fully committed to securing your financial interests without adding any financial burden to you along the way.

Bringing Nationwide Assistance

To Your Doorstep

We Provide Services
Across the Entire Nation.